Contact us

If you need help updating your membership information (including your email) or resetting your password, please see this information page.

The following are details for the current CALC Council (registered and logged in members can access contact details in the Members' Area):

Title Name Country/Area
President Johnson Okello Kenya
Vice-President Michelle Daley Caribbean
Secretary Annette O'Callaghan Australia
Treasurer Adrian Hogarth United Kingdom
Immediate Past President
  Andy Beattie Scotland
Regional representatives
  Heinrich Muller South Africa
  Rehema Katuga Tanzania
  Kerri Sinclair Canada
  Albert Edwards Jamaica
  Jeanne Lee Singapore
Australasia and the Pacific    
  Ben Fraser Australia
  ‘Akanesi ‘Emeline Katoa  Tonga
  Neil Martin Wales
  Phil Chessum United Kingdom

For general enquiries, please email CALC Secretary Annette O'Callaghan at

You can also see a list of the previous executive members of the Council.


Group picture from a CALC conference