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Test with cron job
This is an automatic email from the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel.
This is a test again. Please ignore. Only kate and I are receiving these test emails so no users are being flooded with test emails.
The emails are being saved as nodes. So, they can be tracked easily. In addition to this, I have enabled the mail logger module but the limitation with this is it'll save all the emails being sent out from the website but it'll not capture the BCC field. So, only the to and from fields will be captured alongside the body text and sent time.
If recipients are way more than 10 or 20, the server might reject sending emails. So, to work around this, we can send emails during the cron job (which runs every hour). So, the email sent will be delivered within an hour or so. This is a single-recipient test from a cron job and if this succeeds we might use this approach.
Also, logging is a bad idea because it'll take so much space on the server and but we'll keep it until we are confident all the emails are being delivered.
Test from OPC again.